Past Conferences

28-29 June 2021

A Workshop in Honor of Sugar and Slaves on its 50th Anniversary

7-8 April 2021

Atlantic Jewish Worlds, 1500–1900

25-26 February 2021

Empire, Sovereignty, and Labor in the Age of Global Abolition

17-19 October 2019

Investigating Mid-Atlantic Plantations: Slavery, Economies, and Space

11-12 October 2019

Early American Music and the Construction of Race: an Interdisciplinary Workshop

28-29 March 2019

Making a Republic Imperial

8 – 10 November 2018

Coming to Terms? Confronting War and Peace through the Visual and Material in the Atlantic World, 1651-1865

5-7 April 2018

Entangled Histories: Making New Connections in Early America, c. 1750–1850

5-7 October 2017

Lenses and Contacts: Framing Early America: McNeil Center Biennial Graduate Student Conference

30 March-1 April 2017

American and Muslim Worlds circa 1500-1900

10-11 February 2017

Emancipations, Reconstructions, Revolutions and Civil Wars: African American Politics and U.S. History in the Long 19th Century

8-10 December 2016

EEASA: "Space, Mobility, and Power in Early America and the Atlantic World, 1650-1850

10-12 November 2016

Quakers and American Indians from the 1650s to the 21st Century

25-27 May 2016

Early American Material Texts conference

31 March-2 April 2016

Situation Critical: Critique, Theory, and Early American Studies

19-20 November 2015

The Worlds of William Penn

5-7 November 2015

Port Cities in the Early Modern World, 1500-1800

8-10 October 2015

Bustle and Stir: Movement and Exchange in Early America
An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference

23-25 April 2015

Human Trafficking in Early America

5-7 March 2015

Fraktur and the Everyday Lives of Germans in Pennsylvania and the Atlantic World,

18-20 September 2014

James Logan and the Networks of Atlantic  Culture and Politics,  1699-1751

27-29 March 2014

From Conquest to Identity: New Jersey and the Middle Colonies in the Seventeenth Century

20-22 March 2014

The Republics of Benjamin Rush

13-14 December 2013

The "Paxton Boys" and the Conestoga Massacre: 250 Years Later

7-9 November 2013

On the Anvil of Labor History in the Revolutionary Era: Billy G. Smith and Fellow Artisans

26-28 September 2013

Traces of Early America: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference

30 May—
1 June 2013

The American Revolution Reborn: New Perspectives for the 21st Century

19-20 April 2013

Anglicization Reconsidered: Celebrating the Career of John M. Murrin

4–6 April 2013

The War Called Pontiac's, 1763-2013

29 November–
1 December 2012

Envisioning the "Old World": Heinrich Melchior Mühlenberg and the Imperial Projects in Pennsylvania

7–8 June 2012

Capitalism by Gaslight Conference

September 29 –
October 1, 2011

"The Power of Stories: Authority and Narrative in Early America"
An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference

27-29 October 2011

Ireland, America, and the Worlds of Mathew Carey

4–6 November 2010

Quakers and Slavery, 1657-1865: An International Interdisciplinary Conference

1-2 October 2010

The Contested Spaces of Early America

18–20 March 2010

Early African American Print Culture in Theory and Practice

16-17 June 2010

Ab Initio:  Law in Early America