Wednesday Brown Bag Sessions

Works-in-Progress Series

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Spring 2022 Schedule

Please join us from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. via Zoom for our Works-in-Progress Series. Papers are circulated in advance. For copies, please contact the McNeil Center office. Until further notice, brownbags will convene via Zoom only. 

19 January:

Katrina Dzyak, Columbia University
“‘Now, to return’: John Lawson and Empire’s Public Diary”

2 February:

Teanu Reid, Yale University
“Paying by the Hundreds and Thousands: Sugar Money in Barbados, 1640-1713”

2 March:

Jonah Estess, American University
“Justice, Fairness, and Good Governance in a Republic of Creditors, 1779-1791”

16 March:

Nicole Breault, University of Connecticut/American Philosophical Society
“Policing Occupied Boston, 1774-1775”

30 March:

Shavagne Scott, New York University    
“Bountiful Women: Maroon Women, the Colonial State, and the Creation of the Maroon Landscape in Colonial Jamaica, 1655-1705” 

13 April:

Keely Smith, Princeton University    
“‘Of themselves or from their Grandmothers advise’: Muscogee Women’s Communication Networks as Markers of Evolving Cultural Identity, 1796-1814” 

27 April:

Alexandra MacDonald, William and Mary  
“‘A Stitch in Time’: Family, Labour, and Temporality in the 18th Century British Atlantic World”

4 May:

Adam McNeil, Rutgers University
“Black Refuge Women's Survival and Resistance in Revolutionary Era Portsmouth and Norfolk”